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Data fetching tool

Easy to Use

Snap-Fetch was designed to be easily installed and used to get you up and running quickly. It is easy to configure and use as the same time.

Focus on What Matters

Snap-Fetch lets you focus on your business logic by abstracting the data fetching and mutation logic, which let you focus on the main thing.


Powered by React, React-redux, and Redux-saga

Snap-Fetch fits with your existing react application and it can be adapted incrementally, no need to rush you can change your current data fetching logic slowly.


Light weight and tree shakable

Snap-Fetch is a light weight and tree shakable only include what you need, gzipped size for the hooks is 3.6kb, for both saga and reducers 5.4kb

Injectable states

Snap-Fetch states are injected into store only when a query or mutation is established, state will be created with the endpoints used, which help preventing duplicate states.